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Donations may be mailed directly to:
Exposing and Correcting Judicial Corruption, Inc.
6692 Sharon Woods Blvd.
Columbus, OH 43229-1446
All Donations and Contributions are Confidential under The IRS Code

          This 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation has filed IRS Form 990 (long form) for 2017, and IRS Form 990-EZ for 2018 and 2019.  We do not file IRS Form 990-PF.  Since we are not a 26 U.S. Section 527 political organization, we are not required to disclose any donors or contributors, who make any grant, donation or other contribution.   The rules governing the confidentiality of Forms 990 and 990-EZ, are covered under 26 U.S. Code Section 6104.  Therefore, the identity of any donors and contributors will not be disclosed, unless that particular grantor, donor or other contributor specifically requests us in writing to acknowledge them as a supporter of this cause.  In such a case with the written consent of the donor, we will gladly acknowledge them as a supporter of this cause on our website, even with their logo or trademark proudly displayed on our website's list of sponsors.  Schedule B contributors to IRS Form 990 are permitted to be kept confidential in accordance with federal law.  (Please see the Instructions for IRS Form 990 Schedule B on page 5 of that schedule.)
          Since we are both domiciled in and registered with the State of Ohio, and because the State of Ohio does not require charitable nonprofit corporations to file a copy of IRS Forms 990, 990-EZ or 990-N with them, we are exempt from being required to file a copy of our IRS 990 Form with the State of Ohio, as well.  Hence, there will be no breach of confidentiality of our supporters, unless that supporter wishes to be acknowledged by their expressed, written consent.

Letter of Determination from IRS

Guidestar Gold Seal of Transparency